Say No to Supreme Court Hearings Until Investigations are Complete

The investigation should be via independent commission with a special prosecutor.

Trump should not be permitted to appoint Supreme Court justices (who could be on the court for generations) until the American people learn the truth about his legitimacy as a president. Call Senators Feinstein and Harris: (DC switchboard (202) 224-3121)

Script: Hello, my name is (NAME) and I’m calling from (CITY, ZIP). I’m calling to urge Senator Feinstein/Harris ] to block any Supreme Court Hearings until both a Special Prosecutor and the FBI completes their investigations into the Russian financing of Trump’s campaign and the foreign hacking of an American political party.

Demand that Congress investigate Trump’s ties with Russia and potential Russian interference in the election before conducting any hearings on Supreme Court nominees. The investigation should be via independent commission with a special prosecutor. Trump should not be permitted to appoint Supreme Court justices (who could be on the court for generations) until the American people learn the truth about his legitimacy as a president. Thanks to the way the Republicans handled the Merrick Garland nomination, there is precedent to justify delaying hearings for a year or more.


More about these issues: 

Cardin wants independent commission to probe Flynn, Russia contacts:

U.S. inquiries into Russian election hacking include three FBI probes:

Trump-Russia probe requires a special prosecutor:

Your cheat sheet to four potential investigations of Russia and President Trump: