Vote NO on Gorsuch, the Extremist at the Heart of Hobby Lobby
Gorsuch is a Constitutional originalist, interpreting the Constitution as if we were still living in the 18th century. His Hobby Lobby “religious liberty” decision permitted legalized discrimination against the LGBTQ community and limits to contraceptive access. He will vote against gay marriage,
abortion, immigrant and death-with-dignity rights, gun and environmental restrictions and to expand “Citizens United.”
For Senators Feinstein and Harris: (DC switchboard (202) 224-3121, other #’s below.)
Script: I’m [NAME], a constituent. I’m calling to let [Senator’s NAME] know that I do not support Neil Gorsuch’s nomination. I’m concerned that Gorsuch is a Constitutional originalist and out of touch with the modern world. His ultra-conservative, radical views on issues like gun rights, reproductive freedom, and environmental protections do not reflect the views of the majority of Americans.